A 101 Style Guide to the French Revolution This brief account of the French Revolution explains all the key events, links to a larger narrative history, and explains the consequences. ... Recipient's Email This field is required. Separate multiple addresses with commas. Limited to 10 recipients. W
How would I say in Spanish - "I had a good time" or "I had a ... "I had a good time" = "La pasé bien" "I had a great time" could be any of this: "La pasé super bien" (informal/standard slang) "La pasé buenísimo"
how would you say, "i had a wonderful time?" - Spanish Dictionary 20 Mar 2010 ... "Lo pasé súper/rico/chévere/súper bien" all mean you had a cool/great/fun time but these are more like slang, more colloquial and less formal.
correct way to say"we had a good time" - Spanish Dictionary 11 Dec 2009 ... Tuvimos un buen tiempo. ( We had a nice weather.) We usually use the word " tiempo " when we are referring to weather or time. What's the ...
I had a great time with you yesterday! - WordReference Forums Please help me to translate this into spanish! Mexican would be the best. ¡Lo pasé muy bien contigo ayer!
We had a great time - WordReference Forums Como puedo expresar "We had a great time"? en contexto: Gracias por invitarnos a la fiesta, we had a great time. ... Formal neutral Spanish:
How to Say I Had a Good Time in Spanish - Mahalo 17 Nov 2010 ... For whatever reason you want to learn how to say "I had a good time in Spanish," this page will help you accomplish your goal. No pre-requisite ...
How to Say "I Had a Good Time" in Spanish - YouTube 2010年11月19日 - 1 分鐘 - 上傳者:mahalodotcom Check out Bas Rutten's Liver Shot on MMA Surge: http://bit.ly/MMASurgeEp1 http: //www ...
a great time - English-Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com a great time - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. ... Thanks so much for inviting me; I had a great time! Gracias por invitarme, ¡pasé un ...
have a good time - English-Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com have a good time - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum ... Whenever I go out with friends we all have a good time. I hope ... Have/had a good time.